This project will be featured in an exhibition of sewing and social justice that accompanies the Performance, "
BEHIND THE SEAMS." The project was made possible with a social justice grant from Loyola Marymount University, where I started teaching a silkscreening class this semester. The artist who designed this work is Saeri Dobson, an Associate Professor of Graphic Design at LMU.
I didn't have much time to do this project, so alot of usual testing and proofing had to be forgon and I jumped headfirst into to printing onto folded mens suit pants. Fortunately most of the small text printed legibly. In addition, I printed 10 sets of the complete image on varying papers black, brown and white--including tracing paper.
The entire project was silkscreen printed using matt black, gloss black, and gray ink.
The pants spell out the word JUSTICE